Office Buildings Classification
The offices are classified in classes A, B or C, depending on the fulfillment of the following characteristics (indicated by BOMA):
Short dictionary of real estate terms
We present below some of the most common / used words / expressions / abbreviations in the real estate field of office spaces, indicating their meaning. The terms are, most often, in English.
Office space measurement standards
Boma (Building Owners and Managers Association) is a US professional organization of all persons involved in the activity with commercial properties: owners, managers, developers, specialists in real estate leasing, which, for the first time in 1915, achieved the first measurement standard. of office spaces. After a period of 35 years, during which time this standard worked on the market, without changes, several revisions were followed according to the practices and needs existing at different times, one of the most important being the emergence of the "block type" design. ”At the office buildings in 1952.