Offices for rent in Bucharest - 24 Real

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Our latest offers

Inchiriere apartament 3 camere - Dorobanti / Rabat
0 comission

Inchiriere apartament 3 camere - Dorobanti / Rabat

Dorobanti - Capitale, Bucharest

Space 123 sqm
Pret 3.500 EUR + VAT
Spatiu de birou de inchiriat - Piata Floreasca - 170 mp
Space 170 - 170 sqm
Pret 3.000 EUR + VAT
Europe House - singura suprafata disponibila
0 comission
Space 550 - 550 sqm
Pret 22 EUR/sqm + VAT
Hermes Business Campus - spatii birouri clasa A - de la 450 mp
0 comission
Space 450 - 12292 sqm
Pret 13.25 EUR/sqm + VAT
Birouri de inchiriat - Avantgarde Office Building - de la 200 mp
0 comission
Space 200 - 400 sqm
Pret 16.5 EUR/sqm + VAT
Spatii de birouri in Rosetti Tower - de la 293 mp
0 comission
Space 293 - 1077 sqm
Pret 14 EUR/sqm + VAT

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We select together the properties you want to see. The visionaries will be programmed so as to optimize the time and resources consumed.

Rent / Buy

Whether you rent or buy, we will closely analyze a short list of properties where we can negotiate terms. We will assist you throughout the negotiations (both commercial and legal).

Plans for the future?

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